Monday, May 18, 2009

Funny pics of Remmi

Curled up on her Love Sac with her weiner

After she got spayed - she was not too happy with us!

She walked around all day with her head down

Bunny ears and Easter scarf from Mary & Peter - the ears wouldn't stand up!

Ladies & Gentlemen - we have a POINT!

Pete is such a proud papa! Remmi finally started pointing - hopefully meaning she is actually a bird dog and not a leaf dog(which is usually what she is more interested in chasing). Pete went and bought 4 pigeons a couple of weeks ago to train Remmi with - unfortunately, we no longer have the pigeons and two of them escaped and have probably been eaten by house cats - oops!

Pete with one of the unlucky pigeonsShe got it!

A Point!!!

Yummy birds! :)

Remmi's House

Instead of buying a dog house, Pete decided that it would be much more special to build one himself. 2 months later, an extra trip to buy more wood and a random pile of wood leftover later - we finally have a house for Remmi to call her own. Now - if only she would actually go in it!

Shopping for supplies (the first time)

Josh & Pete - working late hours!

Cool shades

Finished product - yes I know the paint job is tacky

Her mat :)